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My vision is my customers can see their knowledge and that of their employees as a resource that needs to be managed sustainably and developed holistically. ​


Through effective knowledge management, companies/organizations should not only stand on a secure foundation in international competition, but also offer their employees a culture of knowledge management, an atmosphere in which they can grow beyond themselves, thereby taking their company to the next level of competitive advantage.


My mission is to give customers the understanding and tools to build and constantly develop a successful management system for knowledge / expertise / skills / know-how from the beginning to successful operation. ​


To complete my mission I mix aspects of classical knowledge management, AI, automation, IT, Change management and culture management to develop holistic and individual solutions not only helping companies to take their innovations to the next level, but also trigger a high level of well-being among employees by reducing stress.


Because employees’ cognitive and mental resources are no longer wasted.


Knowledge .management. is power!

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